Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems

Cllr Anthony Fairclough, Cllr Simon McGrath and Cllr Paul Kohler MP: Working hard for Wimbledon, Raynes Park & Wimbledon Chase. Learn more

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Wimbledon Chase is being repainted

by Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems on 13 August, 2013

Wimbledon Chase re-paint

Wimbledon Chase bridge being repainted August 2013

AFTER confirming to us in February that the bridge at Wimbledon Chase Station would be repainted this year, work has eventually begun.

We’re really pleased that this is happening, especially given our 2 year campaign to get Network Rail to paint out the worst aspects of the graffiti on the bridge that was eventually successful in 2011. That campaign, which included letters to Network Rail’s chief executive, set the ball rolling on getting them to repaint the whole bridge.

Network Rail have told us that they hope to have the works completed by the end of September.

The State of the railway bridge at Wimbeldon Chase was one of our original “six to fix”.

There’s a potted history of our 2 year campaign here.


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