Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems

Cllr Anthony Fairclough, Cllr Simon McGrath and Cllr Paul Kohler MP: Working hard for Wimbledon, Raynes Park & Wimbledon Chase. Learn more

Latest plans for the Rainbow Industrial Estate

by Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems on 15 September, 2014

The owners of the Rainbow Industrial Estate, Workspace Group, are holding a public exhibition of their plans to develop it, at Raynes Park Library on Thursday 18th September:  6.30pm–9pm and Friday 19th September: 2pm–8pm.

The plans for 220 flats and 3,400m2 of employment space, on the 1.94 hectare site. There are also plans for a station “drop off” area at the entrance, which is at the junction of Grand Drive and Approach Road, by the southern entrance to Raynes Park Station.

When the planning brief (ie the planning guidelines) for this site was created, residents told us they were worried about access – the only way in is by the southern entrance to the station – and the potential to increase traffic. We also raised concerns about the amount of space for new employment. You can read a brief history of the plans for the site, and our views, here.

Please go along to the exhibition and see these latest plans. Let the developers know your views and also drop us an email to tell us what you think. We will monitor developments closely and keep  you informed.

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