Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems

Cllr Anthony Fairclough, Cllr Simon McGrath and Cllr Paul Kohler MP: Working hard for Wimbledon, Raynes Park & Wimbledon Chase. Learn more

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Down your street 2015

by Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems on 10 January, 2015

The Dundonald Lib Dem Team is always available to help people improve their local area. You can see some information on the ways we helped local residents to help themselves in 2014 here.


  • There’s still a massive backlog on street sweeping and clearing flytips. We reported: lack of street sweeping on Lower Downs Road, dumped rubbish at the Kingston Rd end of Dorien Road and grafitti at the same end of Dupont Road (residents have confirmed action, and dumped rubbish removed).
  • We’re trying to get information for a resident about whether the Council have plans for introducing two-way traffic along the one-way system in central Wimbledon. See the Council response here.


  • Chased Merton Council on plans to use the £20,000 compensation developers paid for cutting down two mature oak trees near the former Emma Hamilton pub site, and encouraged residents to let Council officers know what they want the money spent on (we organised a meeting between the Council officers and the Wimbledon Chase Residents Association in April, and officers took on board residents’ suggestions that the money should be used for trees in and around Wimbledon Chase, and not along Bushey Road, as Conservative councillors had demanded).
  • Reported lights out on pedestrian crossings near Wimbledon Station and Dundonald Road tram stop (fixed).


  • Reported kicked over litter bins on Hartfield Crescent and Graham Road (these were cleared within a few hours), overflowing bins outside Wimbledon Chase Station and litter accumulating in the flower beds outside the new Nelson Healthcare Centre.
  • Told Council about dangerously leaning ‘Parking Restrictions’ sign on Newton Road and loose and broken flagstones on Dundonald Road.
  • Dumped Christmas tree still on Henfield Road (this was taken away after we reported it).


  • Chasing Merton Council on the terrible state of the pavement under the bridge at Wimbledon Chase Station. Better pigeon-proofing is needed to stop the birds roosting under the bridge – it’s becoming an environmental health issue (we’ve been demanding action since 2014, see also in ‘June’ below).
  • Organised and ran a residents litter pick, collecting 19 sacks of rubbish, from the Chase (cycle lane), Chase Side Avenue, Oxford Avenue, Lower Downs Road, Merton Hall Road, Toynbee Road, Cliveden Road, in front of Wimbledon Chase Station, the flower-beds outside the Nelson Hosptial and also parts of Dundonald Rec (the Council provided equipment and collected the rubbish – thank you to the 14 people who came to help).
  • Setting up a meeting between the Wimbledon Chase Residents Association and the Council about the use of compensation for trees outside the former Emma Hamilton pub that were cut down by developers.


  • Our campaign to get step-free access at local stations continued, when Network Rail responded to our petition in late April. There has been a massive response to our petition showing overwhelming public support for making our stations easier for those with mobility issues or parents with prams.
  • Reporting the litter and mess accumulating along the alley that runs along the railway line, near Wimbledon and a dumped fridge on Toynbee Road.


  • We collected together residents views about the terrible state of the pavement under the bridge at Wimbledon Chase Station. Better pigeon-proofing is needed to stop the birds roosting under the bridge – it’s becoming an environmental health issue (Merton Council agreed to present the evidence that we’d collected together to Network Rail, in order to demand action on this – this is now in the pipe-line, but we are keeping up the pressure).


  • We think our community is better if people have more control over what happens – so it’s our job to listen to what you think. Please take a minute to complete our online Summer survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VKLY2H9
  • The tram stop at Wimbledon Station was closed for 3 months from 13 July, whilst work is undertaken on the platform to allow for increased services. We pushed Merton Council to increase litter collection on Dundonald Rd and Hartfield Crescent, owing to the number of extra people using Dundonald Road tram stop (they refused).



  • Arranged with Network Rail for them to fix a loose step on the Elm Grove side of the footbridge across the railway at the end of Merton Hall Road (they promised to fix w/e 26 Sept).
  • Our local councillors failed to mount sufficient opposition to get improvements to the Rainbow Industrial Estate planning application, which was approved by the Council planning applications committee.
  • Reported cracked flagstones and trip hazards on Dundonald Road, in the pavement outside numbers 48, 38, 30 and 22.

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