Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems

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Wimbledon Town centre traffic

by Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems on 25 February, 2015

After a resident raised concerns with him, Focus Team member Anthony Fairclough asked the following public question at the last Council meeting:

Please could the Cabinet Member confirm whether there are any plans currently under consideration to introduce two-way traffic on Sir Cyril Black Way and Hartfield Road? Similarly, are there plans under consideration to stop traffic turning left from Hartfield Road onto Kingston Road?

The response was 

Merton has successfully secured £200,000 from Transport for London (TfL) to help develop future plans for the public realm and road network in Wimbledon Town Centre, which includes the possibility of two way working in Sir Cyril Black Way and Hartfield Road. This funding will be used to develop and refine proposals for the town centre previously put forward in the Council’s Mini Holland bid to TfL in early 2014. The intention is to develop practicable options to put out to consultations with residents and businesses. The funding will be made available from April 2015 and engagement and public consultation will be a fundamental element of the scheme development process. The Council has been approached by Tramlink to consider banning the left  turn from Hartfield Road  into Kingston Road to mitigate delays on Kingston Road resulting from the impact of an increase in tram frequencies (50% increase in both directions). The Council is awaiting the results of traffic modelling from Tramlink before considering this proposal.

Tell us what you think!

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Siobhan Haskey says:

    I too would like an answer to the question. These proposed changes will significantly impact on my home – due to increased volume of traffic, vibration and exhaust emissions, and potentially my health and well-being. When will the public consultation take place?

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