Cllr Anthony Fairclough, Cllr Simon McGrath and Cllr Paul Kohler MP: Working hard for Wimbledon, Raynes Park & Wimbledon Chase. Learn more
by Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems on 1 March, 2021
In September 2020 works started on building a 177 bed hotel with retail units on Hartfield Road, near the junction with Graham Road (more details of the planning application here).
This involved an 18 month closure of Graham Road, that was sprung on residents literally overnight.
After pressure from councillors, it was agreed that given the ‘heavy’ building work would be completed after 9 months, the Council would review whether the street closure was still needed at that point, as much of the materials and office units could be moved ‘on-site’.
In February, we pushed for more information on the process and the timeframes around it. So far we have been told:
“The 9 month review of Graham Rd closure will be in June.
In May, officers will schedule a meeting with Barnes Construction to determine how far progressed they are with their construction programme.
This will also cover off whether they still need the road, part of it, or none at all, allowing us to re-open the road.
Depending on how advanced the construction is by May, we’d anticipated that the storage of materials and welfare facilities could be moved on-site onto the ground floor of the building. If the rear access lane is useable, it could mean that deliveries could be accommodated there, allowing us to re-open the road (possibly with the need to keep parking suspended adjacent to the site).
When officers meet with the contractors in May, we will share the outcome with Councillors and provide a newsletter for residents informing people of the latest position.”
We are asking for a more transparent discussion of the continued need for the closure, with an open meeting, rather than councillors and residents simply being informed of an outcome.
Graham Road is a residential road and therefore more suited to a cul-de-sac road than a short cut for vehicles from its 2 ends starting in Hartfield Road. Graham Road has access at 4 points, North, South, East & West, for pedestrians, push chairs & bikes. If Graham Road is opened at both ends to vehicles, the residents will find Graham Road is not such a peaceful road.
[…] Dundonald ward councillors attended a meeting on Monday night with the Council on their review of the closure of Graham Road for the hotel construction works. You may remember that they had agreed to do this 9 months into […]