Cllr Anthony Fairclough, Cllr Simon McGrath and Cllr Paul Kohler MP: Working hard for Wimbledon, Raynes Park & Wimbledon Chase. Learn more
by Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems on 1 November, 2011
Earlier this year, Merton Council carried out an “informal” consultation about parking on a number of roads in the Apostles, as well as Kingston Road and Oxford, Chase Side and Rothesay Avenues. Despite a majority of the people in the whole area surveyed saying that they didn’t want a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) on their road, the Council have now brought forward proposals to restrict parking on Carlton Park Avenue, Vernon Avenue and Edna Road (where a majority of the people replying from those roads wanted a CPZ). There are also plans to restrict parking on Chase Side and Rothesay Avenues, and the bit of Kingston Road between Oxford and Chase Side Aves (where there was much less support for a CPZ).
If introduced, these restrictions will apply Monday-Friday between 8.30am and 6.30pm, when you’ll only be able to park if you pay for a residents’ permit and live in those roads. Furthermore, the Council also plans double yellow lines at key locations on Dorien Road, Dupont Road, Sydney Road, Chestnut Road, Bronson Road and Oxford Avenue, such as junctions, cul de sacs and locations where traffic flow is impeded.
You should have received the formal consultation document from the Council about this on Thursday 20 October, asking for your opinion on the plans. Full details of the plans can be seen here:
Do have a look, and please send your thoughts on the plans to: Head of Street Scene and Waste, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, SM4 5DX, or email [email protected], by 11 November, quoting ES/SGE/ZONE APOSTLES.
We want to know what you think, so please do get in touch with questions, and do send us a copy of any consultation response you submit to the Council.
With respect, if the people in these roads have voted for a CPZ then their wishes should be respected. The CPZ at the station end of the Apostles, where I live, has made a tremendously positive difference.
Thanks Patrick – we agree that it should be up to people to have their say, which is why we’re encouraging as many as possible to do so.
I agree entirely with Patrick’s view. I live in a road which is proposed to enter the CPZ and fully support the proposal and hope the council make the decision to extend the CPZ. I have seen the improvement in the roads already in the CPZ and hope we get a similar result. I am not naive and know this will not “solve” the problem, but hope it goes some way to reducing it!
[…] response to the consultation on implementing CPZs and parking restrictions in the area. See also here about the scheme […]
[…] The responses to the formal consultation on extending Controlled Parking Zones in the Apostles Roads (other nearby roads) have now been compiled. The consultation was carried out in October and November. […]