Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems

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Sport England change their position on Dundonald Rec (again)

by Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems on 15 July, 2013

The Wimbledon Guardian reports that the plans to expand Dundonald primary onto Dundonald recreation ground have suffered another setback, after objections to the expansion by Sport England (the body that promotes and protects sports facilities) were reinstated.

The setback comes just two weeks after Merton Council won a legal case to remove restrictions imposed by an historic covenant protecting land, so that work could get underway.

Over on her blog, Focus team member Diana Coman talks about the Council’s role in protecting assets for the community.  Diana’s also school governor at a primary school in Mitcham

I have long objected to the proposal to erode one community asset to provide another.  The Council sold off schools to build housing, now they are using recreation space to build a school because we have more children living in the housing.  It is such a negative spiral.

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