Cllr Anthony Fairclough, Cllr Simon McGrath and Cllr Paul Kohler MP: Working hard for Wimbledon, Raynes Park & Wimbledon Chase. Learn more
by Wimbledon Town & Dundonald Lib Dems on 5 February, 2024
For over a year we have been working with residents regarding a commercial car park that sprang up on land behind the gardens of houses on Gladstone and Russell Roads. Residents were concerned by the noise, activity, extra traffic and potential security risks, as the access wasn’t always closed off at night.
After we alerted the Council’s planning enforcement team, action was taken – which the Council described in August 2023 as follows:
“A notice was served for the unauthorised material change of use of the Land from ancillary car parking for use class E to commercial car park (sui generis). The breach relates to the change of use of the land from B1 storage and ancillary use car parking to offices and working of motor vehicles and garages to the current use as a commercial car park in a residential area.
An appeal was submitted against the notice, enforcement officers have written up an appeal statement to defend their position on why it was served a notice, now awaiting for the planning inspector’s appeal site visit and final decision.“
We have been waiting for the planning inspectors’ appeal, but annoyingly the use of the land as a commercial car park will continue until the appeal is decided.
In early February, a developer [Skillcrown] got in touch to discuss a potential planning application for the site – this was the description they gave:
The proposals are two-fold. The refurbishment and reconfiguration of the existing frontage building [129 Pelham Road] to form three new residential apartments and the comprehensive infill development of the land to the rear to provide six individual mews houses.
The developer is required to consult in advance of its planning application. You can see their leaflet here.
In addition they have provided some further information, which we include below.
Ownership and use as a car park:-
Skillcrown has a contract to purchase the site from the current owner, which is conditional upon securing planning permission. Skillcrown has no involvement with the car park tenant, who has a contractual arrangement with the current landowner. The owner’s intention is to continue the arrangement with the tenant until we acquire the site or when the appeal regarding the enforcement action is dismissed, whichever is the earlier.
The development is proposed to be parking free. It is anticipated that future residents will be prevented from applying from parking permits providing a significant net decrease in parked cars across the residential area.
Waste Management:-
A dedicated waste drop off store will be designed to be installed under the carriage arch. You are correct that this needs very careful management and will be fully considered as part of the design going forward.
Increased road traffic and pollution:-
The site presently has a relatively high number of traffic movement associated with the current car parking use. The proposal will remove these vehicle movements. The limited servicing for the properties will be undertaken from Pelham Road – as with the other properties on the road. Overall, it is anticipated that the highways impact will be reduced when compared to the current use of the site.
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